
YouthCon 2022

YouthCon 2022

Fri, Jan 14, 2022 – Sat, Jan 15, 2022

Join us for our first-ever Gateway YouthCon! Come to learn ways to go deeper in your faith, and have a blast with your Gateway friends from all campuses at the new Kalahari Waterpark in Round Rock. This is an event you won’t want to miss!

The cost for the two-day event is only $95. This price includes:

  • Snacks, breakfast & dinner
  • Transporation to & from Kalahari
  • Waterpark pass

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Wisdom That Outlives You

“Con los años la viña da mejor vino.” (With years, the vine yields better wine) – Latin American Proverb 

We are wise when we learn from our elders and invest in our youth.


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