
You Belong Here

Feeling lonely or isolated? You’re not alone. Join us as we explore the beauty of healthy community, learn to intentionally seek to get to know and do life with diverse groups of people, and discover how to love, serve, and influence people who are “not like us.”

A Supernatural Community

March 10, 2019 John Burke

As we step into the community God desires for us, we also find that God gives those who follow Him great gifts. And when we allow the Holy Spirit to use those gifts to serve others, those gifts sometimes show up in supernatural ways. How can we begin to better understand God’s giftings and how He intends for us to use them in community?

A Gifted Community

March 3, 2019 Justin McCarty

When you are part of something bigger than yourself— a job, family, or organization, for instance—you experience how everyone has a role to play in order for everything to run smoothly. In God’s family, His Church, it’s no different. He gifted each and every one of us with a spiritual ability to do something important and necessary that can impact everyone around us. How has God gifted you? Bonus Reading from Not Like Me – Chapter 7, and Chapter 10.

A Diverse Community

February 24, 2019 John Burke

God’s hope is to bring people from all nations, tribes, languages, and ethnicities together into one family. It’s why Jesus came to die for all of us. But oftentimes, this harmonious diverse community is not at all our experience. What leads us to issues in our diverse communities, and how can we overcome the barriers that plague us?

A Real Community

February 17, 2019 John Burke

We all long for an ideal community—one where we’re understood, loved, and supported. But that type of community doesn’t come over night. Along the journey to finding a group of folks to do life with, we all face real struggle. How can we build the type of community God wants us to have in our lives, despite the fact that real people come with real problems?

An Ideal Community

February 10, 2019 John Burke

We were created to be in relationship with one another. Many of us struggle with this, however, because we have all been wounded and hurt. But God’s table is set for all—we are all welcome. Are you ready to sit at God’s table and be part of a community that is loving, accepting, authentic, growing, caring, and encouraging?