
Why God?

Although we may have heard some things about God over the course of our lives, many of us still have some pretty tough questions that we want answered. Why is it important to believe in Jesus as the Son of God? If God is good, why is there pain and suffering in our world? How do science and faith work together, if at all? For skeptics and current Christ-followers alike, having answers to the tough questions could make all the difference.

Why Faith?

May 7, 2017 John Burke

We put our faith in people and things every day: the mechanic who fixed our car, the payroll clerk in our office, the labels on the food we eat. Do you consider faith in those things a blind leap in the dark, or are you confident there are good reasons to believe those things? What about faith in God and His promises? What does it look like to truly trust?

Why Science? :: Q&A with Dr. Hugh Ross

April 30, 2017 Dr. Hugh Ross

Throughout our lives, we are inundated with different perspectives concerning how the universe came to be, how long it’s been in existence, and how different people of different faiths and standpoints might view such matters. Many of us have been made to believe that the Bible and science contradict each other. But is that really true? Are faith and science incompatible, or do they fit together just as God intended?

Why Science?

April 30, 2017 Dr. Hugh Ross

Throughout our lives, we are inundated with different perspectives concerning how the universe came to be, how long it’s been in existence, and how different people of different faiths and standpoints might view such matters. Many of us have been made to believe that the Bible and science contradict each other. But is that really true? Are faith and science incompatible, or do they fit together just as God intended?

Why Suffering?

April 23, 2017 John Burke

One of the most difficult questions many of us confront in our faith journey is how a loving God could allow so much evil and suffering if He has the power to stop it. In the face of sickness, loss of a loved one, financial ruin, war, abuse, etc., we are left wondering what the purpose was, whether God cares, and how to find hope in the midst of pain. What truths might we learn about suffering when we ask God the tough questions?

Why Jesus?

April 16, 2017 John Burke

While skeptics may often ask “why,” doubts and questions are not inherently bad—questioning can actually lead to a solid faith. In fact, the opposite of faith is not an unending list of questions, but rather a lack of trust in God. The followers of Jesus were full of doubts and questions that first Easter, yet they found reasons to believe. The truth has nothing to fear—so what are your questions?