
What's After Life?

One out of 25 people in America has had a near-death experience. Their heart stopped beating, their brain waves ceased, yet they claim they were more alive than ever. With improved medical resuscitation, more and more verifiable evidence indicates that life doesn’t end with our last breath— it’s just beginning. So, what really happens after death?

What’s After Life?:: The City of God

May 24, 2020 John Burke

Can life truly be eternal? What will that be like? Many who have had a near-death experience speak of the “City of God.” Will it have art, music, or film? How will we experience life in such a place? Are pets allowed? This week wraps up the What’s After Life? series by answering some of these questions. Before we begin, consider the day you step from this life into the next. Don’t let fear or anxiety take over your mind at this thought. Instead, imagine how great that life will be in the City of God.

Hellish Experiences

May 17, 2020 John Burke

Over the past several weeks during our What’s After Life? series, we have learned about the hope of heaven through those that have had near-death experiences. But, not all near-death experiences are blissful. Some are downright hellish. Jesus taught that hell is just as real as heaven, but he doesn’t want any human to go there. So how can a loving God allow so much suffering?

Relationships Last Forever

May 10, 2020 John Burke

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, grandmas, and single dads raising kids alone — we see you! The relationships you have with your children and those around you are important to Jesus. In fact, loving relationships are truly meant to last forever. Those who have experienced heaven speak of great reunions and a love that matters more than we can imagine. Knowing this can propel us to be better parents, spouses, and friends!

The Life Review

May 3, 2020 John Burke

Have you ever wanted to be in a movie? Watch yourself on the big screen? That’s a scary thought for some, but for others it’s a dream come true. And, one day, everyone will get their moment to shine. It’s nothing to be afraid of! You will have your very own private screening of your life with Jesus by your side. Many who have had a near-death experience describe it as a “life review.” Even if that brings you anxiety now, our hope is that this exercise will help you understand how the movie of your life can still be a great reward for a life well lived—it’s not too late!

God of Light and Love

April 26, 2020 John Burke

There’s something strange about the intense desire we all have to love and be loved, yet it can be difficult at times to give or receive it. Why is that? C.S. Lewis, an Oxford scholar, once said “creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists.” What do you think will ultimately satisfy our desires? All across the globe, people who clinically die and then resuscitate come back to talk about a God of Light who satisfies the deepest cravings to be known, seen, accepted, and loved—like finally being home with ultimate belonging. But who is this God of Light?

Beauty in New Dimensions

April 19, 2020 John Burke

One out of 25 people has had a near-death experience. Their heart stopped, brain waves ceased, yet they claim they were more alive than ever. More and more verifiable evidence indicates that life doesn’t end with our last breath—it’s just beginning. If you’re curious about what happens after death, join us starting on Easter, April 12th, as we begin our seven-week series exploring the life to come. You’ll hear stories directly from people who clinically died and discovered an exhilarating life that awaits us.

What’s After Life?

January 5, 2020 John Burke

One out of 25 people in America has had a near-death experience. Their heart stopped beating, their brain waves ceased, yet they claim they were more alive than ever. With improved medical resuscitation, more and more verifiable evidence indicates that life doesn’t end with our last breath— it’s just beginning. So, what really happens after death?