What Now?
Right now, this planet with everything and everyone on it is living through a pandemic. This seems more like science fiction than reality, but it is very real. Some of us have been sick. Some of us have lost jobs or our business. Some of us know people who have passed away. Some of us have been working to save lives on the front lines. Some of us have struggled with loneliness, anxiety, or depression. And, some of us have fared just fine. No matter what your experience has been over these last several weeks, the question that looms large is, “What now?”
Embrace a New Relationship
June 7, 2020 Carlos Ortiz
In times of trouble, we find ourselves asking, “What now?” We long for a way out, for hope. We look for leadership we can trust and a light at the end of the tunnel. But what greater light is there than Jesus? What can we learn from Him that will help us in our current reality? No matter what your experience has been over these last several weeks, Jesus has the answer. Work through the following questions and scriptures on your own, and get together with your running partner, life group, or friends and family to talk through what you are learning.
Embrace a New Reality
May 31, 2020 Eric Bryant
Right now, this planet with everything and everyone on it is living through a pandemic. This seems more like science fiction than reality, but it is very real. Some of us have been sick. Some of us have lost jobs or our business. Some of us know people who have passed away. Some of us have been working to save lives on the front lines. Some of us have struggled with loneliness, anxiety, or depression. And, some of us have fared just fine. No matter what your experience has been over these last several weeks, the question that looms large is, “What now?”