Welcome to the Jungle
January 8, 2023 - March 5, 2023
What do you do when you face fears about the future, concern for your security, or the discouragement of a world that seems to be falling apart at warp speed? With lessons from Daniel, a hero in the Hebrew Scriptures, we can discover how to walk boldly and humbly in ANY environment we go into, even in the "jungles" of life as we carry with us hope, wisdom and empowerment to make an impact in our circles of influence.
Trust the God of the Future
Week #8 March 5, 2023 John Burke
You can trust God with your now and with your unknown.
It’s Not You, It’s We
Week #5 February 19, 2023 John Burke
Have you experienced a “rock bottom” moment in your life where you had no other option but to look up and ask for help? Or maybe not quite “rock bottom”, but a jolting moment that woke you up to the reality of a bad direction your life was going? What happened as a result of these experiences?
Do The Right Thing
Week #4 January 29, 2023 Carlos Ortiz
Bad authorities may ask you to do things you know you cannot do.
Move Forward With Courage
Week #3 January 22, 2023 Carlos Ortiz
Bad people make bad choices that affect us.
Choose Your Character
Week #1 January 15, 2023 John Burke
God cares about the stand you take privately than the stand you take publicly.
Where Does God Have You?
Week #1 January 8, 2023 John Burke
No matter how bleak the situation is around you or within you. Our hope is not anchored in what we see but in a God who is sovereign.