
The Restored Life

What does a restored life look like? Can we truly live out such a life when so many things seem to be happening around us? Even when we’ve made positive changes in our lives, it seems so easy to get pushed off course. During The Restored Life series that runs from October 11 to 25, we’ll be exploring how to build a stronger foundation so we can weather the storms that life brings. Let’s take the steps to experience the restoration God wants for each of us.

Practice Makes Purpose

October 25, 2020 John Burke

You’ve heard that practice makes perfect, but what about purpose? What is God’s plan for us? This week, we’ll be exploring how to incorporate regular spiritual practices into our lives that will help us live out a restored life with God and others.

Made for This

October 18, 2020 Carlos Ortiz

As we start digging into things that seem to keep us stuck in our lives, we often discover relational brokenness. Others have hurt us. We have hurt others. This week, we’ll learn how to take the steps necessary to live at peace with those around us.

Ready or Not

October 11, 2020 John Burke

Ever experience the release that comes from patching up a relationship or work situation after making a big mistake? It’s like a huge weight has been removed. The problem comes when we repeat the same mistake no matter how hard we try to do the right thing. How can we experience true restoration from our failures and find lasting freedom from our missteps?