The Offer of a Lifetime
God offers us an opportunity like no other we’ve ever seen before—He offers us each the chance to be His disciple, a follower of Jesus. But what does that really mean? What costs and rewards come with such an offer, and is it actually worth it?
Follow Me
July 1, 2018 Justin McCarty
Jesus’ radical offer to follow Him and become His disciple was extended to people across every ethnic, social, religious, and economic spectrum, and 2000 years later, that amazing offer still stands for each of us today! But that offer has come at a great cost for many people; for some, the cost seems too high. Is it a price worth paying?
Counting Both Costs
June 24, 2018 Justin McCarty
Life often feels heavy or empty as we try to manage all we have with all we want from life, others, and ourselves. Life is frequently referred to as the rat race, as we’re always trying to “get mine” and get ahead. Are you tired of trying to be the ruler of your own kingdom yet, always attempting to force things to go your way? Jesus offers another way, one of rest, peace, and true fulfillment. But first, He asks us, have we counted the cost?
Trading Up
June 17, 2018 Justin McCarty
God offers us an opportunity like no other we’ve ever seen before—He offers us each the chance to be His disciple, a follower of Jesus. But what does that really mean? What costs and rewards come with such an offer, and is it actually worth it?