
The Encounter

What if you actually took God at His word? What would happen if you trusted Him completely? Why not give it a try? During the Encounter series we want to challenge you to act as if God’s promises are true and to trust Him with all aspects of your life for six weeks. See if you don’t encounter God. See if He doesn’t show up in your life in unexpected ways. Come join us as we experience The Encounter!

The Risk

October 23, 2016 Ted Beasley

Sometimes when we make a dramatic spiritual commitment, like doing the 60/60 experiment, we experience a spiritual high. We feel closer to God, more loving towards people and have a renewed passion and purpose. However, the hard part afterward is to risk answering the question, “what now?”

The Healing

October 16, 2016 John Burke

Just like we’re not meant to live without oxygen, we’re not meant to live life without God. Without God in our lives, we’re spiritually dead. Through Jesus, we can have a relationship with God, which makes it possible for us to stay connected to the spiritual oxygen God gives to live life to the full. How do we though keep remembering to breather in this “oxygen”?

The Surrender

October 9, 2016 Eric Bryant

We all know there are good things we should do that we resist doing. Fear, pride or stubbornness keep us focused on doing things our way instead of God’s way. How can we surrender our desires and wills to God, who knows what’s truly best for us?

The Response

October 2, 2016 Ted Beasley

A joyous, intimate, fulfilling, exciting life with God — many of us want it desperately, but we often feel as if it is unattainable. We crave His guidance for our decisions, comfort in our pain, provision in our need, companionship in our loneliness and inspiration in our search for purpose. As we make an intentional effort to invite Him into our lives through the 60/60 experiment, perhaps we’ve had an encounter with God that requires a response. Are we willing to take a risk by obeying His voice?

The Voice

September 25, 2016 John Burke

Do you believe God speaks? Although we may not hear an auditory voice from God, we can know His voice. The Bible is a record of His words. His words were the genesis of all that we see. He is the word. We have nothing else but His words and faith that He is who He claims to be. So how then can we hear His voice?

The Promise

September 18, 2016 John Burke

A.W. Tozer, in his book The Pursuit of God, wrote “God is a person, and in the deep of His mighty nature He thinks, wills, enjoys, feels, loves, desires, and suffers as any other person may. In making Himself known to us He stays by the familiar pattern of personality. He communicates with us through the avenues of our minds, our wills and our emotions.” That sounds incredible, but how do we encounter such a God and cultivate a relationship with Him?