Relaunch Your Life
September 12, 2021 - October 3, 2021
At Gateway Church, (for four weeks/for the next four weeks), we are going to give you the tools for relaunching your life. Focusing on four areas of opportunity: where we can heal, serve, belong, and grow. Life changed with Covid, but we can use the lessons we've learned to our advantage. It’s time to discover the life that God always intended for you, to live for something greater than ourselves, it’s time to relaunch our life.
Week #3 September 26, 2021 John Burke
In spite of such a challenging season, we also experienced some really positive moments. Neighbors helped each other when we lost power and water. We shared with others when there were food shortages. We helped others, and we got help. We caught a glimpse of the kind of community God has in mind for all of us. We can make BLESSing our neighbors an ongoing part of our lives.
Week #1 September 19, 2021 Carlos Ortiz
During these last 18 months, we experienced an epidemic of loneliness and isolation which negatively affected our mental health. God created us to Belong. Community and connection are essential to thrive. God’s family allows us to experience His love and kindness through other people.
Week #2 September 12, 2021 John Burke
For many of us, during these last 18 months, our childhood wounds surfaced and addictions or struggles returned. In this new season, we can put good habits and patterns in our lives to support healing and growth. We can relaunch our lives by looking honestly at things revealed that God wants to heal.