
More Money

Everyone needs/wants more money, but “more” is a very subjective idea. What if the ways the world teaches us to “gain more” are not actually going to help us “experience more?” God’s ways and all God says about our money point out a pivotal concept – “more” is a matter of the heart. God wants our heart, and God gives us money and stuff as a way to help teach our hearts how to love Him and love people. Until we deal with our thoughts and attitudes towards money, we will not be free to become generous, debt-free, life-giving people who are content and happy with the abundance we have.

The Test of More

May 30, 2021 John Burke

God wants us to have more rather than take more from us. There are very “rich” people who are worth far less than those with a high net worth without contentment, freedom, generosity but stuck needing more. What if we began to see ourselves as God’s Investment Managers that He could trust with more and more because we will be faithful? How do you get there where God can trust you with more and more? God actually asks us to test Him in the area of finances. Money reveals how we view ourselves and God.

Can I Handle More?

May 23, 2021 John Burke

Contrary to popular belief, God doesn’t want us to have less, but more. God is a God of abundance - not a God of need, but we must have hearts that can handle more rather than being possessed by the lust for more. God gives principles of money management that are not just wise, but also a test of whether we can handle more.

More Money

May 16, 2021 John Burke

Everyone needs/wants more money, but “more” is a very subjective idea. What if the ways the world teaches us to “gain more” are not actually going to help us “experience more?” God’s ways and all God says about our money point out a pivotal concept - “more” is a matter of the heart. God wants our heart, and God gives us money and stuff as a way to help teach our hearts how to love Him and love people. Until we deal with our thoughts and attitudes towards money, we will not be free to become generous, debt-free, life-giving people who are content and happy with the abundance we have.