Letting Go
In our world today, we often feel like we’ve lost control. We search for an escape from the chaos, but many times we look for quick fixes, treating symptoms instead of getting to the root of our issues. We know when life isn’t as it’s meant to be, but we have trouble letting go of control and figuring out what “meant to be” really looks like. How do we deal with things that are out of our control in a life-giving way?
Letting Go of Self
April 5, 2020 Eric Bryant
In American culture, independence and liberty are valued highly. Because of this, it’s easy to base life decisions on these desires. But we also view as heroic those who give up their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for the sake of others. So, how do we handle these opposing ideas, and what does God want us to value most highly?
Letting Go of More
March 29, 2020 Carlos Ortiz
For many of us, our mentality of “more is better” impacts our lives in a great many ways. Having more can cost us, because it can leave little room for the things that matter in life. The side effects of striving for more can mean fewer deep relationships, more FOMO (fear of missing out), and more unrealistic expectations. How do we let go of the “more” in our lives in order to be truly content?
Letting Go of Control
March 22, 2020 John Burke
In our world today, we often feel like we’ve lost control. We search for an escape from the chaos, but many times we look for quick fixes, treating symptoms instead of getting to the root of our issues. We know when life isn’t as it’s meant to be, but we have trouble letting go of control and figuring out what “meant to be” really looks like. How do we deal with things that are out of our control in a life-giving way?