Kingdom Come
Think back to the last time someone brought up politics during a family dinner. How did that go? As we talk politics with our friends and family, feelings get hurt and relationships damaged due to arguments or disagreements in viewpoint. During this emotionally divisive political season, are you prioritizing time with God over time debating a policy issue? In this series, we will find ways to navigate a highly charged election in our country by anchoring ourselves to the Kingdom of God.
Across the Aisle
September 6, 2020 Carlos Ortiz
Are you already tired of this election season? The social media arguments, news coverage, family bickering, and lawn signs are constant reminders of our starkly divided communities. As a follower of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor which can be difficult when we disagree. Thanks for joining us as we close out two weeks of learning to unite through the words of Scripture and to prioritize relationships over politics.
Politicked Off
August 30, 2020 John Burke
Think back to the last time someone brought up politics during a family dinner. How did that go? As we talk politics with our friends and family, feelings get hurt and relationships damaged due to arguments or disagreements in viewpoint. During this emotionally divisive political season, are you prioritizing time with God over time debating a policy issue? In this series, we will find ways to navigate a highly charged election in our country by anchoring ourselves to the Kingdom of God.