God Likes You
Do you feel worthy, worthless, loved, or maybe even discarded? We live in a world where we are measured by our worth, our worthiness. We can find ourselves running on the treadmill of life, constantly attempting to prove our worth and to feel wanted, needed, loved, and worthy. Often we scrutinize ourselves by what we have to offer to others or by what we believe they value in us. We even bring this into how we see God. But that’s not what God wants for us. Our worth is not measured by others or even by Him. It is freely given by Him; not earned nor attained. Are you ready to step off the treadmill of life and stand in the worth that God has freely given you?
Evil Hates You
October 6, 2019 John Burke
Connected in Family/Body
September 29, 2019 John Burke
Rooted in Love
September 22, 2019 John Burke
A Purpose and A Poem
September 15, 2019 Robb Overholt
Chosen and Blameless
September 8, 2019 John Burke