
Backstage Pass

Did you ever consider that God, as our creator, created us to create? We all have creativity inside of us that can be used, even if we don’t always realize it. Perhaps the key to discovering our creativity will come through diving deeper into what God says about music, different types of worship, culture, and how it all comes into play for how we can impact society and change our world. What were you created to create?

Hidden Figures

March 18, 2018 Justin McCarty

Backstage pass access can often reveal the inner workings of a production, team, or organization. It becomes evident in many cases that there are a great number of people you may never actually see who are crucial to the success of all that goes on. The same is true both in the Bible and at Gateway. There are “hidden figures” or unsung heroes that are invaluable. But such roles come at a cost, as they require sincere commitment. What would it look like to re-order your priorities and be on mission with God?


March 11, 2018 Robb Overholt

Having a backstage pass can offer an amazing opportunity to get a glimpse of things we deem as great —bands, actors, organizations, and the like. But God shows us that true “greatness” comes from knowing Jesus and working towards strong character. What would it look like to pull back the curtain and snag a backstage pass to the creation of followers of Christ who seek great character through Him?

Music & Worship

March 19, 2017 John Burke

Have you ever wondered about the amazing effect of music? Music has the ability to move the human soul—to lift it somewhere beyond the present moment. Its transcendence is remarkable. But what does God say about music? What does the Creator of everything think about our musical creativity, and how does worship relate to all of this?

Creativity & Culture

March 12, 2017 John Burke

Did you ever consider that God, as our creator, created us to create? We all have creativity inside of us that can be used, even if we don’t always realize it. Perhaps the key to discovering our creativity will come through discovering our own story and learning how God can use that to impact culture and change our world. What were you created to create?