

Spiritual Disciplines

Build Character – In this study, we practice the spiritual rhythms that will help us better know, love, trust, and obey God.

Repentance & Confession

Build Character – In this study, we learn to regularly engage in honest and humble admission of sin to both God and other mature believers and how that can actively turn us away from that sin.


Build Character – In this study, we learn how surrendering to God, relying on the Spirit, and engaging in a Christ-centered community can help us experience freedom from the power of sin.

Relationally Engaged

Love People – In this study, we learn about the unifying power that can come from participating in and promoting a Christ-centered community.


Love People – In this study, we talk about what to do when we have been wronged and how to gracefully work towards reconciliation.

Build Others

Love People – In this study, we discuss the fine line between when to encourage and when to correct others.


Love People – In this study, we learn to change the way we think about ourselves so that we can live in the fullness of who we are in Christ.


Love People – In this study, we discuss the positive or negative impact our presence can have on others as we authentically represent Christ.


Be the Body – In this study, we learn how meeting the physical and spiritual needs of others can bring freedom to those facing oppression and injustice around us.

Spiritual Gifts

Be the Body – In this study, we learn how to identify, develop, and deploy our spiritual gifts for the good of others and for the good of the Body of Christ.

Financial Generosity

Be the Body – In this study, we learn how to be joyful stewards of our finances in order to support God’s church.


Be the Body – In this study, we actively look for opportunities to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.