If you’re looking for a men’s group in order to connect with other guys, to find support, and to grow spiritually together, we’d love for you to join us for lunch on Thursdays at noon. We usually choose where we’re meeting for lunch week to week at an eatery location along the 183 or Parmer […]
30s+, Men (Sautner)
Each week we connect, share, and challenge one another to grow. We meet Saturday mornings at 7:30 a.m. We finish on or before 9 a.m. We meet at Summer Moon in Avery Ranch. Usually we meet in the outdoor patio. Most guys will order breakfast but if money is tight some will just have water […]
Deaf, Hard of Hearing Community (Sautner/Routley)
This is a community group that meets in between services at North Campus in portable 3 (to the right of the kids’ building). We would love to have you join us as we gather for fellowship, reading and discussing scripture and praying together. Whether you’re Deaf or HoH or connected as family or a friend, […]
Intergenerational, Coed (Dubelbeis)
Are you looking for your next step? Where you are in your walk with Jesus does not matter – in this community group we will strive to live out what we learn through God’s Word. No requirement other than your want to learn, support and live connected with people. We’d love to have you!
Intergenerational, Coed (Williams)
Join us as we build a diverse community in Cedar Park. We will meet weekly and dive deeper into what we heard in the message on Sunday. This community will meet at a home in Cedar Park and is for adults of all ages. Hope you will join us!
50s+, Coed (Cipriano)
Join us for this 50s+ Coed Group. This is a great place to build spiritual friendships and grow in your faith. We meet weekly in a home in NW Austin to discuss digging deeper from the Sunday message.
40s+, Coed (Alderman)
Our group is ideal for 40 and up single individuals and married or dating couples living in the north Austin and/or Williamson Country area. We come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, spiritually, personally and professionally. This is our superpower. Join us if you are looking for community, relationships, a place to worship […]
20s|30s, Men’s (Gilmore)
We’re a group of guys that gather together to talk about the Bible and share our interests. This is a group where you can be yourself and not feel judged. Overall its a great way for guys to stay connected with each other as we seek God through the scriptures.
20s|30s, Coed (Nelson)
20s|30s, Coed (King)
Intergenerational, Men’s (Dishinger)
Our men’s group meets at a restaurant in North Austin on Thursday evening to discuss what we learned from the Inspire Service on Sunday and how it applies to our lives. Let me know if you’d like to join us!
Military|Veterans|First Responders & Their Communities (Meares)
Calling Military, Veterans, First Responders, and those connected to them to join a Community Group at Gateway. Service profoundly impacts not only those who serve but also their families, friends, and loved ones. We are a group exploring how to grow closer to Jesus and recognize His presence in every step of our journeys. Join […]