A men’s group that meets every Monday at 6:30pm in South Austin.
Intergenerational, Men’s (Garcia)
This is an in-person men’s group forming in the Dripping Springs area. Come join us as we grow in our faith and build community together.
Intergenerational, Men’s (Arnecke/Higgins)
A men’s group that meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm at Gateway South.
Intergenerational, Coed (Venter)
Coed group in Dripping Springs Area.
Intergenerational, Coed (Bryant)
A community group for women, men, young couples, singles, married couples with children, single parents, senior adults.
Intergenerational, Parents (Diehl)
Raising teenagers can be one of the most challenging and yet rewarding seasons in life. Join us for the support from other parents and the guidance from God we all need!
20s|30s, Coed (Smith)
Intergenerational, Women’s (Jushka)
Intergenerational, Women’s (Harris)
We meet in Kyle in 6 Creeks. We are a diverse group of women from 20’s to 70+ in age. We usually pick a book of the Bible and study it together. We have a light meal where everyone brings something. We start at 630 for a little fellowship and food and are usually finished […]
Intergenerational, Coed (Butler)
The Buda Sunfield Group is a multigenerational group of couples and singles who meet from 6:30-8:00PM on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. The group is primarily Sunfield residents meeting to discuss God’s word, His activity in our lives, & our engagement with the community around us. Contact either sheri.butler@ymail.com or hugh.butler@ymail.com.
30s+, Women’s (Hennig)
Join our 30+ Women’s Community Group at Gateway! We are group of ladies looking to connect with one another and grow in our relationship with the Lord. This group is the perfect opportunity for moms that may be dropping off for student service on Wednesday nights, but everyone is welcome. We meet at Gateway North […]
Intergenerational, Women’s (Davis)
Come join us for this 50+ group of women as we make new friends, study God’s word, and walk together leaning into this wonderful time in our lives. Let’s discover the goodness God has in store for us together.