Eric Bryant Gateway Ice Cream Dinner

Gateway Online Campus

9:15am & 11:15 am

We are imperfect people, living in community, helping each other become all that God created us to be. When we say we are a place where you can "Come As You Are", we mean it! Bring your questions, doubts, fears, and hurts - everyone is welcome. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!

Gateway News

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Easter at Gateway

Easter Week Reading Plan

Good Friday Experiences

Easter Sunday Services

Learn more

Got Questions?

We've compiled a list of helpful questions and online articles that help answer some of the bigger questions of faith.

Making an Impact

How to make an impact where you live. Kristin's story shows how we can all love and serve the people around us.




Eric lives with his wife, Deborah, in South Austin. They have two young adult children – Caleb and Trevi. Along with leading Gateway South Austin, he is also part of the Executive Team. Before coming to Gateway, Eric served on the leadership team of Mosaic in Los Angeles. Eric is the author of Not Like Me: Loving, Serving, and Influencing Our Divided WorldFruitful: Becoming Who God Created You To Be, an adjunct professor at Bethel Seminary, and creator and host of The Post-Christian Podcast, one of the resources provided by his non-profit Catalyzing Community which helps church leaders make disciples in a post-Christian world.

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