
Gateway Throwdown

Gateway Throwdown

From the people who brought you the Super Bull, this year we have something even better – The Gateway Throwdown! Every Austin area campus features two dynamic speakers battling to win the hearts and minds of their campus! Come early for the “tailgating.” Get loud during the live music and hilarious commercials. Leave inspired and ready to take on the world!

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Your Next Great Adventure: Mission

You were created on purpose and with a purpose. A relationship with God allows you to make the most of
every good and bad experience life throws at us. Walking by faith is not always easy, but it’s a life most worth
living. Discover how setting aside the instant gratification of today can enable us to accomplish a mission that’s far greater than we could imagine.


Voices 2022 – Ben Sledge

This Sunday, “Sledge” is coming back to Gateway! Long-time Gatewayers know how compelling and hilarious Sledge is as a speaker. You may also know him from his work on Medium.com where he writes primarily on mental health. His new book Where Cowards Go To Die, is a memoir from his time serving in the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. His book “cuts through the bravado to reveal a brutal portrait of war and the cost of returning to a country that no longer feels like home.”


Ukraine Update

Here is an update from Gateway’s Kirby Holmes, Director of Slavic Partnerships for Storyline Missions.