
Flourishing | Flourishing Relationally

SEPTEMBER 8 FLOURISHING RELATIONALLY We were designed for connection. Unfortunately, division, doubt, and conflict tempt us towards giving up or isolating because “hurt people hurt people.” Even still, we can…

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Labor Day

SEPTEMBER 4 LABOR DAY Work through the following questions and scriptures on your own, and get together with your running partner, life group, or friends and family to talk through…

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Your Next Great Adventure | Impact

AUGUST 28 IMPACT As you walk by faith, God guides you to make a difference in the lives of others. Serving, loving, and pointing them to the Source of Love…

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Your Next Great Adventure | Creativity

August 21 CREATIVITY What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Describe the process of making this item and why it is your favorite? What is something in creation, whether…

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Your Next Great Adventure | Risk

AUGUST 14 RISK 1. What is the greatest risk you have taken in your life? Why was it risky? What was the outcome of that risk?  2. What stood out…

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Your Next Great Adventure | Mission

AUGUST 7 MISSION You were created on purpose and with a purpose. A relationship with God allows you to make the most of every good and bad experience life throws…

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Voices 2022 | Voices 2022- Dr. Tim Elmore

JULY 31 VOICES 2022- DR. TIM ELMORE Dr. Elmore has trained more than 500,000 leaders in hundreds of organizations worldwide. He’s also the Founder and CEO of Growing Leaders, a…

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Voices 2022 | Voices 2022- Ben Sledge

JULY 24 VOICES 2022- BEN SLEDGE This Sunday, “Sledge” is coming back to Gateway! Long-time Gatewayers know how compelling and hilarious Sledge is as a speaker. You may also know…

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Voices 2022 | Voices 2022- Dr. Sarah Salviander

JULY 17 VOICES 2022- Dr. Sarah Salviander Dr. Sarah Salviander was raised as an atheist in Canada and grew up to become an astrophysicist, author, and follower of Christ. While…

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Voices | Voices

JULY 10-31 VOICES We all love a great story, and this summer we’ve got some great ones to share! We have an unlikely pretzel maker, an astrophysicist, a war veteran,…

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The Church Has Left the Building | The Church Has Left The Building

 JULY 3 THE CHURCH HAS LEFT THE BUILDING                                            …

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Love Your Neighbor | Love Your Neighbor

JUNE 26 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR                                                  …

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