
Jesus’ Power Over Time

October 8th, 2024


October 6th, 2024

  1. We were always taught that there is no such thing as a dumb question.  Do you think that is a true or false statement?
  2. When you have a need, do you ask for help or wait for others to notice you have a need?  Do you readily accept help from others when they offer or do you tend to reject it?
  3. Make some observations about John 5:1-17 (What does the text say?):
    • What do you notice and what are you curious about? 
    • Make some interpretations (What does the passage mean?)
    • What do you learn about Jesus? 
    • What do you learn about his humanity and divinity? 
    • What is the significance of Jesus finding the man a second time and challenging him to walk away from his sin?
    • Now make some applications (what’s my response?)
    • How are you encouraged, challenged, or convicted by this passage?
    • What should be our response to this passage?
    • Is there an area of your life you know you need to surrender, but just don’t know how?  What would you say if Jesus stood in front of you and asked you, “do you want to be made well?” 
    • John 5 shows Jesus’ care for the physical and spiritual needs of the man who was lame.  Do we allow God to show up for us in this same way?
  4. In this story, how do you see both the lame man and the religious leaders exhibiting a misplaced faith and, therefore, they overlook Jesus? Where are you tempted to place your faith (finances, relationships, your own good works, etc.) instead of Jesus? How might He be calling you to a deeper trust in Him?
  5. In this story, Jesus not only gives the lame man the ability to walk away from His illness, but the opportunity to walk away from His sin as well. It does not appear that he takes Jesus up on this offer. Is there an area of your life where you are asking Jesus to heal or fix, but not willing to walk in obedience in other areas? How can you begin to walk in obedience today and bring your community along with you? 

John 5:1-17


God thank you for seeing me even when I don’t recognize who you are.  You seek out those who are lost, or far from you, and you take us from the darkness, the margins of society, and you bring us from death to life. Help us to break cycles of life that keep us begging for more, when we have access to you, the one who always gives us more.  We give permission to your Holy Spirit to reveal the issues of our heart and lives, so that we won’t walk in shame, but instead have complete freedom and fullness in your name.  Thank you for caring about our here and now, and how we will also spend eternity. 

Where can we be like Jesus and find someone who is in need of help?  Make it a simple way to “help” someone who has no one to advocate, or to help, them.  (i.e.- make a meal for a neighbor, check in on a friend who may live alone)

Have you trusted Jesus, but have never taken the step to receive baptism? Please register here so we can celebrate this important declaration of faith and come along side you as you learn what it means to follow Jesus. https://www.gatewaychurch.com/baptism/  Is there anyone in your group that you could walk with through baptism (coming in a few weeks at every campus)?