

November 24th, 2024

In our polarized and divided world, we can be overwhelmed with anger, apathy, and anxiety. Instead, through the Scriptures, we can discover how to overcome these struggles with patience, purpose, and peace.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Can you think of a time in your life when you worried something would happen, but in the end everything worked out just fine? If so, share about that experience.
  2. What are some of the ways you have learned to stop worrying in life? What has helped you do that?
  1.  Read 1 Thessalonians 3:2-4, 12-13

Make some observations about this passage (What does the text say?):

  • What do you notice and what are you curious about? 

Make some interpretations (What does the passage mean?)

  • What do you learn about God? 
  • What do you learn about humanity? 

Now make some applications (what’s my response?)

  • How are you encouraged, challenged, or convicted by this passage?
  • What should be our response to this passage?
  1. How can we love and serve others in our church family more?
  2. How can we love and serve others not in our church family that may be struggling right now?
  1. Read ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭
    1. What good works and faith-prompted deeds are on your heart?
    2. What are your next steps towards seeing those come to fruition with God’s help?


Lord, we have such vivid imaginations about what could go wrong in our future and in our world. We have wounds and bad experiences that inform our dark imaginations. Lord, help us to take every thought captive and surrender our minds, hearts, and imaginations to you! Help us to dream of a better future where we bring more justice, goodness, and beauty to our world. Help us to bring the ideas you give us into reality with your help and with each other!

What are some practical ways we can serve others together?
Consider looking at your campus email newsletter for ideas.