Gateway Buda
10:30 am
We are imperfect people, living in community, helping each other become all that God created us to be. When we say we are a place where you can "Come As You Are", we mean it! Bring your questions, doubts, fears, and hurts - everyone is welcome. We serve breakfast at 10 am and then begin service at 10:30 am! If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you!
Gateway News

Easter at Gateway
Easter Week Reading Plan
Good Friday Experiences
Easter Sunday Services
Kids & Students
Sunday Mornings 10:30 am
Infant - 5th grade provides a fun and engaging environment during both of our in-person Sunday services. We make it a priority that your kids have a blast and are safe while at our Buda Campus.
Sundays 5-7pm
Buda has a vibrant student community that is comprised of middle school and high school students. Join us weekly on Sunday nights at our Buda campus.
First Time?
Attending for the first time with children? By letting us know you are coming, we can get your children pre-registered in our system, so that when you arrive we can focus on welcoming your child to church instead of completing forms.

Women's Gathering - Buda

Baptism Class - Buda

Baptism - Churchwide
At Gateway, we believe that choosing to get baptize...