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Gateway Blog

“Passion: The Crucifixion and Resurrection” by John Burke

April 20, 2022

Bunnies? Eggs? Jesus? What is Easter all about?Is Easter just a quaint tale derived from Myths about Resurrection?Is it a […]

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“The Passion: Passover” by Eric Bryant

April 11, 2022

We are talking about one week that changed everything for everyone!  Years ago, someone was helping me with some of […]

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“Passion: Palm Sunday” by John Burke

April 3, 2022

Passion: One Week That Changed Everything – Palm Sunday I love Marvel movies – I don’t know why I love […]

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Serving Ukraine

March 22, 2022

Our hearts are heavy for the people affected by the war in Ukraine. We can be involved in bringing the help and hope they need through giving and praying.

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“It’s All Greek To Me: Change” by Carlos Ortiz

March 20, 2022

In 1535 William Tyndale translated the Bible from Latin to English and used the word “repent.” His translation veered away […]

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“It’s All Greek To Me: Justice” by Carlos Ortiz

March 20, 2022

This week we’re going to dive into the word dikaiosuné (Dik-ah-yos-oo-nay), which can be interpreted as Justice and/or Righteousness.   The […]

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“It’s All Greek to Me: Selflessness” by John Burke

March 13, 2022

“You are special—you are unique.”  For some of us, that message was a prevalent one while we were growing up. […]

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“Reframing God: Why Worship?” by Eric Bryant and Kenny Green

March 7, 2022

It was June 23, 1991. It was a Sunday morning in Hurst, TX. I was at church. That was the […]

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“Reframing God: Why Pray?” by Carlos Ortiz and Jamie Schwarz

February 28, 2022

There are countless definitions of prayer, dozens of ways that people approach prayer.  Books on prayer, training on prayer, classes, conferences, podcasts, websites, entire ministries geared towards prayer, and yet, prayer is one of the most elusive parts of knowing God.  So let’s be clear and simple as we talk about prayer and connecting with God.  God’s heart towards prayer is in three parts:  

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“Reframing God: Why the Trinity?” by John Burke

February 21, 2022

Students in both Jewish and Christian parochial schools were asked to write what they understood about the Bible.  And it […]

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The Gateway Throwdown – Faith vs. Works

February 17, 2022

First Quarter – John Burke Welcome to the Gateway Throwdown here on Superbowl Sunday. For those new to Gateway, I’m […]

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“Take As Much As You Need: Purpose” by Eric Bryant

February 8, 2022

Remember back in the early days of the pandemic. How did you and your roommates or you and your family […]

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