
What's Happening at Gateway?

Gateway Blog

YouthCon 2023

October 11, 2022

Join us for Gateway YouthCon on January 21, 2023. This all-day event is a time for Students in grades 6-12 […]

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Aman Quadri

October 10, 2022

Good morning Gateway! It’s really amazing to be here with all of youtoday. I think the last time I was […]

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Flourishing Financially

October 3, 2022

We’re doing this series on Flourishing. And if you missed the past two week, it’s based on a Harvard Study […]

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Flourishing in Our Purpose

October 3, 2022

That was Jen Clay and Kelli Bosse, two women who serve at Gateway Central and North respectively.  I know we […]

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Flourishing in Relationships

September 18, 2022

According to the The Human Flourishing Program, a quantitative social science endeavor based out of Harvard University, there are three […]

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Flourishing Physically and Mentally

September 18, 2022

So we are in this series on Flourishing, and we’ve been using the Gateway survey to determine how we are […]

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Your Next Great Adventure: Impact

August 28, 2022

As you walk by faith, God guides you to make a difference in the lives of others. Serving, loving, and pointing them to the Source of Love creates a ripple effect throughout generations. Rather than the number of places you’ve seen or shows you’ve watched or widgets you’ve sold, in the end what matters most are the lives impacted through our life of faith.

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Ukraine Update

August 26, 2022

Our Storyline partner ‘Hope to People’ has courageously engaged humanitarian aid with the strength of God to serve sacrificially and effectively. Using 35 evacuation vehicles they have traveled a total of 129,393 miles, which is approximately 5 trips around the earth along the equator. These long road trips to take humanitarian aid towards combat zones and then getting struggling people out of these areas require a lot of road miles. They have used about 7,000 gallons of fuel for these difficult road trips.

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Your Next Great Adventure: Creativity

August 21, 2022

As we learn to walk by faith, God leads us into new freedom to be creative. God is a creator, and we were created in His Image, part of which means to be creative ourselves. The more we trust God and grow in faith, the less we fear what other people think of us. We can grow beyond people’s disapproval or judgements which inhibits creativity.

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Your Next Great Adventure: Risk

August 14, 2022

Your next great adventure depends on faith. Many people don’t experience this adventure because stepping out in faith requires taking risks. You can’t stay in your comfort zone and still exhibit faith. When you take the risk, that’s when God shows up and you learn to walk by faith as you walk by faith. Discover the risks worth taking.

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Your Next Great Adventure: Mission

August 7, 2022

You were created on purpose and with a purpose. A relationship with God allows you to make the most of
every good and bad experience life throws at us. Walking by faith is not always easy, but it’s a life most worth
living. Discover how setting aside the instant gratification of today can enable us to accomplish a mission that’s far greater than we could imagine.

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Voices 2022 – Ben Sledge

July 24, 2022

This Sunday, “Sledge” is coming back to Gateway! Long-time Gatewayers know how compelling and hilarious Sledge is as a speaker. You may also know him from his work on Medium.com where he writes primarily on mental health. His new book Where Cowards Go To Die, is a memoir from his time serving in the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. His book “cuts through the bravado to reveal a brutal portrait of war and the cost of returning to a country that no longer feels like home.”

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