
What's Happening at Gateway?

Gateway Blog

The Future of Gateway

July 18, 2024

Gateway Church has been a cornerstone of faith in the Austin area for many years, and like many organizations, we’ve […]

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Church Has Left The Building 2024

June 12, 2024

On Sunday, July 7th, the doors to our church will be closed. You heard that right. But instead of meeting for church, we are going out and being the church in our communities. We are asking you to bless your neighbors by hosting, gathering, or serving them on the weekend of July 7th.

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About John and Kathy Burke

March 29, 2024

After ministry in Santa Barbara, the former Soviet Union, and Chicago, in one of the fastest growing churches in the […]

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Wisdom That Outlives You

March 19, 2024

“Con los años la viña da mejor vino.” (With years, the vine yields better wine) – Latin American Proverb 

We are wise when we learn from our elders and invest in our youth.

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Timeless – Wisdom In Karma

February 27, 2024

“What goes around comes around.” – Indian Proverb. We are wise when we have the end in mind.

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Fresh – The Prayer that Came Out of Nowhere

January 29, 2024

The prize of prayer is not health and wealth; it’s God Himself.

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Fresh – “Prayer For Living, Not Dying”

January 23, 2024

Prayer is understanding God cares deeply about you and your needs.

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Fresh – “The Prayer When You Don’t Have Words”

January 15, 2024

The greatest ability we have in prayer is simply availability.

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Fresh – The Prayer for Screw Ups

January 8, 2024

When we fail, we are invited to run to God, not run from God.

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Make Room – “Room for the King”

December 28, 2023

In order to fully grasp what God wants to do in your life, you must break the box you limit Him to.

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Who’s In The Room

December 20, 2023

No matter how far from God you feel and regardless of what you’ve done, there’s room for you.

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Make Room – The Waiting Room

December 11, 2023

That song, “O Come Emmanuel” is very different than most Christmas Carols. Most carols havetheir upbeat, celebratory feel– “We wish […]

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