
About John and Kathy Burke

About John and Kathy Burke

After ministry in Santa Barbara, the former Soviet Union, and Chicago, in one of the fastest growing churches in the United States at the time, John and Kathy Burke felt a sense of calling for the next generation who was disconnected from faith and moved to Austin. They founded Gateway Community Church in Austin, TX which officially launched in September 1998.

In a very post-Christian city that has more in common with Europe than other parts of Texas, Gateway grew quickly among young adults who were from God. About 60% of those attending in the first decade came to faith at Gateway. Over the years, Gateway expanded its reach through it’s online campus and campuses in the Austin area.

Inspired by God’s work at Gateway in Austin, John Burke wrote No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come As You Are Culture in the Church, Soul Revolution: How Imperfect People Become All God Intended, and Unshockable Love: How Jesus Changes the World through Imperfect People.

John is also the New York Times bestselling author of Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You and Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation

As a pastor and international speaker, John has addressed hundreds of thousands of people in thirty countries on topics of leadership, spiritual growth, and the exhilarating life to come.

In May 2023, John and Kathy shifted their focus on a new ministry through continuing their writing influence and online outreach to the world. Kathy writes the devotional and children’s books to accompany the new books. John and Kathy are still involved at Gateway and John continues to serve and teach as our Founding Pastor with Carlos Ortiz, Jr. as our senior pastor.

John and Kathy raised two amazing young adults in Ashley and Justin and love spending time with Ashley and her husband Dominic’s daughters – Sophia and Bella.

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