Our Ministry Partners

God is at work in our world, and at Gateway, we believe God desires for us to partner with Him in His work by helping meet the physical, relational and spiritual needs that we encounter. As a church, we have worked to develop strategic partnerships with people and organizations around the world that align with our Global Values.

We are currently partnered with global organizations in Haiti, Burundi, India, and with numerous local organizations in Austin. We also support individuals serving on a mid to long-term basis as Missionaries.

We partner financially by supporting specific projects designed to meet holistic needs in their communities, and we partner relationally by providing opportunities for our people to participate on short-term teams called GO! Teams.

Global Partners

M4 Europe

M4 Europe - Europe is experiencing a church planting movement called M4 that aims to mobilize and equip leaders to plant churches across the continent. Over the past 15 years, M4 has planted over 400 churches and continues to average one new church planted every week. Pray for the continued growth and spiritual development of M4, its leaders, and the churches they have planted.

Impact India 360

Impact India 360 serves the most vulnerable in Rajahmundry, India through orphan care, rescuing abandoned elderly, providing education (through schools and college scholarships), and administering free health care. The ministry training school is planting 7-10 churches each year by equipping and mobilizing over 30 men and women annually to lead these churches. Please pray for the ministry, its leaders, and church planters.

East West

East West Ministries is spreading Jesus' message in spiritually dark areas. The Southeast Asia team equips believers with Biblical tools to establish churches and disciples. They've reached 31,721 people, had 2,278 people accept Jesus and established 29 churches this year. Please pray for God to open doors, hearts, and highways for the Gospel to reach every unreached people group in Nepal. Pray for more laborers and protection for those serving on the front lines.

Mission of Hope

Mission of Hope partners with local churches in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to transform lives through church advancement, nutrition, education, and medical care. Last year, 191,808 people were impacted by their work. However, due to the ongoing political unrest in Haiti, many are in danger. Please pray for their protection, provision, and for the orphans, elderly, pastors, and churches to remain safe and encouraged.

Ministry Partners


Shane and Erin Latham are missionaries in Brazil who are planting churches, training pastors, and equipping churches to advance the Gospel. They have already launched a new church out of their house and are continuing to launch new house churches, multiply small group Bible studies, and mentor new leaders. Please pray for their ministry to bear fruit, their marriage to stay healthy, and for their home to be a place of healing and refuge for those they serve.

Jim Kelley Sautner Web

Jim and Kelley Sautner are local missionaries in Austin, TX. Jim leads the Deaf Mentoring Project, helping adults who are deaf and hard of hearing to find faith, community, and good work. Kelley serves as a prayer strategist, working with missionaries, college students, and ministry partners worldwide. They are increasing the number of those being mentored and starting in-person prayer retreats. Please pray for their marriage, their work, and their adult children.

Colin Bethany Brown web

Colin and Bethany Brown serve in Prague, Czech Republic. They work with Josiah Ventures to plan and implement conferences for Christian teachers across Europe. Colin and Beth also serve in their local church by leading discipleship programs. Please pray for their friends and neighbors to know and follow Jesus, for the success of the conferences, and for clear vision for the upcoming ministry season.

Kenno Jana Leier Web

Kenno and Janna hope to ignite a heart change across Europe. In the last 15 years, they have planted over 400 churches in the last 15 years. Leading the M4 team in Finland, their model is to empower and equip leaders to own the multiplication of their church, city, region, and country.  Please pray for God's continued fruitfulness, healthy churches, healthy disciples, the spiritual growth of Kenno and Jana, and financial provision for their family.

Jana Lee Web

Jana Lee is a health educator in Larnaca, Cypress. She has expertise is in health education, HIV Prevention, and water and sanitation health (WASH) and works with local leaders to address the health needs of refugees. She works with Aid4All’s Africa/Middle East team.

Maddy Sautner web

Madeline is a missionary in the Middle East, serving University students by building long-lasting relationships to share the life and freedom found in Jesus. Pray for her team's protection and that many lives be transformed. Pray for Maddy's visa approval for long-term residency.

Denny Isaac Web

Denny and Beulah Isaac lead the Love Your Neighbor As Yourself ministry in Southeast India. They are reaching people who have never heard about Jesus by caring for the poor, for orphans, and for widows that have been outcast by society. Please pray for protection and financial provision for their ministry, and for multiplication of workers across their church and neighboring churches.

Additional Global Relationships


Musalaha is a faith-based organization that teaches, trains and facilitates reconciliation mainly between Israelis and Palestinians from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, and also international groups, based on biblical principles of reconciliation.

World Relief: Burundi

World Relief is a Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. As Burundians seek relief from violence, poverty, and generational trauma, World Relief is partnering with churches across the country to develop flourishing communities and create a change that lasts.

Pakistan Outreach

Pakistan Outreach is dedicated to spreading the Gospel and Compassion of Jesus Christ to the people of Pakistan, the second largest Islamic nation with over 220 million people. Christians make up less than 2% of that population. They are equipping people for evangelism, church planting, leadership development, and strengthening local churches.


OneKingdom is a team in Europe using contextual social media strategies to spread the Gospel and create Disciple Making Movements. They are expanding and are looking for new leaders to join their team. Please pray for their vision and for them to find the right people at the right time.

Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy of Hope strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world. They have been especially impactful in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

Local Partners

More Than Welcome is a nonprofit organization launched in 2023 that supports refugees and asylum seekers in the Austin area. We believe by mobilizing the local Church we can multiply the efforts, resources, and gifts of Christ-followers to model God's love for the sojourner. We aim to be a resource to help bridge the gap for refugees and asylum seekers starting a new life and striving for self-sufficiency yet struggling with the difficulties of learning to live in a new country and community. We will share the gospel and love of Christ with our new neighbors so they may know the healing and hope of life with Jesus.

ADRN’s goal is to see the Church bring hope into crisis through the transforming power of Jesus Christ to every life and community that we serve. Since 2009, ADRN has brought emotional, physical, and spiritual relief to more than 350,000 survivors and provided long-term support to 3,600 families.

IRC focuses on taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth and primarily serves Nepalese and Bhutanese families. They held a one-month discipleship training school this summer and sent out 85 disciples to plant churches worldwide. Almost every day, John and IRC leaders serve refugees and other displaced people in Austin to meet their needs.

Hope Clinic offers free medical care to people in Austin, including those who are refugees. Last year, they provided 715 medical appointments and over 1,700 medications. Hope Clinic plans to expand their hours, add mental health support, and partner with an organization to offer dental services.

Heart Support is an organization that uses music to initiate mental health conversations with individuals who may not otherwise seek help. They've helped over 1,650 people share stories of hope and God's love for them. Their first Heart Support Music Festival was launched in February this year, and they plan to expand their small group model and social media presence to reach more people in the coming year.

Austin Angels believes that every single child/youth who experiences foster care has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, and every family who fosters is radically supported in their journey. We want to walk alongside children, youth, and families in the foster care community by offering consistent support through intentional giving, relationship building, and mentorship.

GO! Teams

At Gateway, we desire to encourage and equip people to actively work to “Change their World” as they follow the Way of Christ. In Matthew 28 we see that Jesus tells us to “go” and share the love, life and freedom available in Him to those both in our neighborhood and all around the world! One of the ways we practically do this is by offering GO! Teams. GO! Teams are typically a week-long experience where Gatewayers display the love and attitude of Christ to people around the world by meeting physical, spiritual, and relational needs. Our teams partner with established organizations, joining in the ongoing transformation taking place through Christ-followers and churches, resulting in life change both in those being served AND in those serving!